Category: Supplier
Top executive: Brian Duran, vice president, sales and marketing
Headquarters: Parsippany, New Jersey
Founded: 1995
Employees: 20
Benefits/unique perks: 401(k), hybrid workplace and remote flexibility, annual company performance and merit bonus, monthly team-building events, company-subsidized meals or snacks, paid parental leave
What employees say: “The team is overwhelmingly positive and always encouraging personal and professional growth. There are always opportunities to learn new skills and grow, all while having a great culture and work environment.”

What Media Tree Rewards VP, Sales and Marketing, Brian Duran, says: "In the last year, we put flexibility in the forefront of our core values. This led to a better work-life balance which in turn improved productivity, recruiting and employee retention. We offered hybrid workplace options to meet the needs of our changing workforce. While hiring, we didn’t limit our search to just local talent. With remote options, we were able to find talent with diverse backgrounds. As our company culture progressed, the flexibility and care to our employees has organically extended to our distributor partners. There’s a certain level of empathy we channeled in the last year to accomplish this. We started 2021 with one goal in mind: listen more. We listened to the wants and needs of our employees and constructed ways for them to excel. In order to create a space that people want to work in, you need to create something that is worth wanting. Flexibility shows that you care about an individual's needs which to me is something worth wanting.”