The PPAI Expo 2018 is bringing the top-flight speakers and educational opportunities that have become synonymous with the promotional products industry’s premier trade show to Las Vegas January 14-18 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. Attendees can choose from more than 100 education sessions running throughout the week, and while most of the education opportunities at Expo are free, the show also features a series of in-depth paid workshops on Sunday, January 14, with industry thought leaders who provide audiences with takeaways, samples and resources.

David Betke with distributor Avatar Brand Management, Inc. presents “Brand Is Everything,” an intensive study on brands and branding and how they differ, how to identify who the competition is, and gain a greater understanding of what businesses are really selling and what customers are really buying. Betke will show his audience how to use this knowledge to set their businesses apart from the competition, increase margins and transform customers into enthusiastic fans.

Lagoon A, Level 2
Sunday, January 14
Noon to 3 pm
Session Fees: Members $60/PPAI Associates $120
CAS Points: 3

To learn more, purchase tickets, see all speakers scheduled and register for the show, visit