Millennials? Old news. Generation Z? Getting stale. Savvy marketers are now paying attention to the wants and needs of kids under 10, also known as Generation Alpha, who are influencing their parents’ buying decisions.

The term “Generation Alpha” was coined by Australian social researcher Mark McCrindle, who says that approximately 2.5 million of them are born each week, and expects the generation, which began in 2010, to extend to 2025. By then, there should be more than two billion members of Generation Alpha on the planet. In comparison, Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2009, numbers 1.8 billion.

A study by Hotwire, a global public relations and integrated marketing agency, released late last year, took a closer look at Generation Alpha and its priorities. For most, that was their digital devices. Among parents surveyed in the study, 32 percent listed that phones and tablets topped their kids’ list of the most important thing in their life, ahead of days out with their family (18 percent), holidays (12 percent), toys (11 percent) and pets (nine percent). Most respondents also said that by age eight, their children understood how modern devices worked better than they do themselves.

“The reality is Generation Alpha’s ability to navigate the digital world we live in is staggering and this is only the beginning. Organizations and brands across the globe must realize that the tech usage of children today is a real precursor to the careers they will likely have tomorrow. The access to technology that children have now should be considered a necessary tool to helping build a brighter future,” says Emma Hazan, global head of consumer at Hotwire. “Brands should have this in mind when communicating with families.”

Click here for more on Generation Alpha and Ad Age’s analysis of what it means to marketers.