Category: Supplier
Top executive: Chris Anderson, CEO
Headquarters: Boston
Founded: 2017
Employees: 765
Benefits/unique perks: Employee assistance program, 401(k), advancement opportunities based on performance
What employees say: “We are full of honest, supportive and encouraging people at all levels throughout the company. No day is ever perfect anywhere, but management will always take the time out of their day to offer support and guidance when needed.”

What HPG CEO Chris Anderson says: "At HPG, we believe a transparent, mutually-respectful, win-win relationship is a sustainable relationship; never is this more the case than with our valued employees. Consistent with HPG’s core values of being progressive, and always open to new information, we have made on-the-fly adjustments to everything from our in-office/work-from-home programs, to offering expanded benefit plans to meet our employees’ evolving needs (including the soon-to-be-rolled-out HPG Pet Insurance program). If the past two years have taught us anything, it is that employee expectations around work-life balance have changed–and there have been a LOT of pets added to the extended HPG family (including Sasha, the French Bulldog puppy that recently joined our family)."