What is the role of resilience in the workplace? It's the ability to withstand on-going organizational changes. It's a way to deliver new ideas or new products even in a down economy. Being resilient sure helps when your largest customer suddenly walks out the door.

Business author Jean Chatzky recently wrote about a book, Grit to Great by Linda Kaplan and Robin Koval in which they describe resilience as one of four key elements that make up grit- and grit leads to success. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we'll share their five ways to learn grit.

1. Take A Break To Be Bored. Need to solve a problem at work? It sounds a bit counterintuitive—or the opposite of being gritty—but be bored. "Boredom is something we actually avoid a lot, you know, especially in this day and age when we have devices competing for our attention all of the time," says Koval. But when you're bored, your mind becomes a breeding ground for creative thinking and problem solving. It's constantly trying to make new associations, adds Thaler. So do whatever allows your mind to wander: take a shower, go for a long walk or run, or—like me—try (and fail at) meditation.

2. Let It Go. Speaking of problems, what are the ones you're stressing about right now? Stress and resilience expert, Paula Davis-Laack, says a quick strategy to become a better thinker under stress (and therefore, more resilient) is to ask yourself whether you have a measure of control, influence or leverage in the situation. If none of the above, then let that realization set in: "We waste an inordinate amount of time and energy on things we can't influence, control or leverage, and this is a great way to build that mental toughness and address your inner critic," says Davis-Laack.

3. Remember The Marathon Mantra. Your success is a marathon, not a sprint. And it doesn't have an expiration date, say Koval and Thaler. Millennials feel enormous pressure to achieve a certain level success within the first 10 years out of school, because, "In the world of American Idol and The Voice … it looks like you can become a success overnight," says Koval. It takes many, many years and dedication to become an expert. Avoid burnout by keeping the above in mind.

4. Curb Your Impulses. No matter what your long-term goal is, there will be temptations along the way. And you can blame what's called "temporal discounting" for giving into them. That's the valuing of the present over the future, which is why we give into impulse buys in lieu of saving or give into cravings instead of keeping to our diets. To manage them, Koval suggests taking a 30-second pause to rethink the impulsivity.

5. Work An Extra 30 Minutes. If you're gearing up for an important interview, meeting or finishing up a project, work 30 minutes extra on it. "What that does is it makes you a bit of an over-preparer," says Koval. "And being an over-preparer is not about doing more work than you need to, but it's about taking out all of the fear that comes with going into have that talk with your boss about a raise or the interview for the new job."Try these five tips to build resilience and begin to pave your road to success.

Source: Jean Chatzky is the financial editor for NBC's TODAY show, an award-winning personal finance journalist, a best-selling author and host of the HerMoney podcast. She believes knowing how to manage our money is one of the most important life skills for people at every age and has made it her mission to help simplify money matters, increasing financial literacy both now and for the future.